Kanthaswamy confirmed on August 15!  


Kanthaswamy shriya,vikram

V.Creation’s Kalaipuli S.Thanu has confirmed to the trade that his magnum opus directed by Susi Ganeshan Kanthaswamy will make it to the theatres worldwide on August 15.

For the last two days Thanu’s office was a beehive of activity as the trade people descended to see the new trailers and all the songs of the film at his home theatre.

The songs and trailer were slick and attractive and looked awesome. Imagine the clarity and colour on the big screen, was the statement made by many in the trade. Thanu says that trade is gung-ho about the film, which is expected to take a gargantuan opening.

While Speaking , Thanu said: “ Please inform the world that Kanthaswamy will hit the screens on August 15, for the big Independence day weekend in over 900 screens in its Tamil and Telugu versions.”

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